Dear @madavidO: """ I’m very new to analog """, no doubt about even if you did not posted about. Nothing wrong with be an analog roockie.
An analog roockie usually makes the wrong questions ( some one could say: stupid ones but in reality there are not stupid questions coming from a roockie. What it is is a very high ignorance level. It can’t in other way and I think you understand it. ) like you here.
In audio the word scam means different things for different audiophiles. What for me could be a scam for other gentleman can be a bargain or can be justified for what ever reason.
You made the very typical roockie mistake: bougth audio items like your MoFi rig at an audio show/fest.
""" the MoFi room was also running TAD Evolution Ones and high end electronics, so OF COURSE it was going to sound good...I was impressed with such a “modest” front end was up to it though. """
and because of what you listened you bougth what you have. You followed that post:
" The question is: ........ ", I think that before you ask what you posted there you have to ask your self: how good is the quality sound you are listening at your analog home system. Are you impressed?
Btw, MoFi does not manufacture cartridges and I think that MoFi buys from At and that your 200.00 bundler in reality is a 70.00 AT 90. Well, you are an analog rookie and you are starting in the analog learning curve, a very long long curve.
""" If I blow 2.5k minimum on an Air Tight ..... """
again wrong question/way of thinking. Two simple questions before that: have you the kind of money to buy that Air Tigth cartridge and what it needs? have you the rigth tonearm and phono stage to honor the Air Tigth cartridge?
Did you know that Air Tigth is not the manufacturer of the cartridges they has for sale?
As you for every one of us each single day in audio is a learning one.
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Oh, yes the Air Tigth overblow your blunder by a very wide margin, not only diferent colorations as you say.
An analog roockie usually makes the wrong questions ( some one could say: stupid ones but in reality there are not stupid questions coming from a roockie. What it is is a very high ignorance level. It can’t in other way and I think you understand it. ) like you here.
In audio the word scam means different things for different audiophiles. What for me could be a scam for other gentleman can be a bargain or can be justified for what ever reason.
You made the very typical roockie mistake: bougth audio items like your MoFi rig at an audio show/fest.
""" the MoFi room was also running TAD Evolution Ones and high end electronics, so OF COURSE it was going to sound good...I was impressed with such a “modest” front end was up to it though. """
and because of what you listened you bougth what you have. You followed that post:
" The question is: ........ ", I think that before you ask what you posted there you have to ask your self: how good is the quality sound you are listening at your analog home system. Are you impressed?
Btw, MoFi does not manufacture cartridges and I think that MoFi buys from At and that your 200.00 bundler in reality is a 70.00 AT 90. Well, you are an analog rookie and you are starting in the analog learning curve, a very long long curve.
""" If I blow 2.5k minimum on an Air Tight ..... """
again wrong question/way of thinking. Two simple questions before that: have you the kind of money to buy that Air Tigth cartridge and what it needs? have you the rigth tonearm and phono stage to honor the Air Tigth cartridge?
Did you know that Air Tigth is not the manufacturer of the cartridges they has for sale?
As you for every one of us each single day in audio is a learning one.
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Oh, yes the Air Tigth overblow your blunder by a very wide margin, not only diferent colorations as you say.