Cary SLP 05 signal coupling caps upgrade ?.

Hi . I like to know if there is any Cary Slp05 preamp owner ugrade the signal coupling caps in yours preamp?.What is yours thougth on it?. Thank you all in advance .
Audioman, Jtran, and others.....I too own a Slp-05. In considering going to better caps, be cautioned!!!! They may not make the unit sound better.......ONLY DIFFERENT!!!! When designers voice their components, they use parts that will achieve the set sound, and characteristics they hope to garner from their schematics, and circuit designs. Different caps, and resisters, do in fact sound different, with different applications!!! You may get something that is not to You're liking. The very fact that they don't recommend it should elicit the red flag!!! Perhaps, in that circuit, the best possible parts are being used to achieve that unique sound......and other upgrades would tend to compromise this.....Be Advised......J.C. ....Gerald, and Dennis both concurred to advise me on this.
Thanks for yours kind words of caution.I in the past years had changed the signal caps in my Cary 211 to Vcaps . the improvement was very positve.Before the Vcaps upgrade,my other amp (Mc 2102)to my ear was more quiet and detail.But w/ the Vcaps in my Cary 211,TheMc 2102 amp was not a contender.So it was for sale.I personally don't believe that the Multi-Kimber caps combo in the Cary slp05 were the best parts chosen but for cost reason.
Just had all the Mundof- caps installed by RHB sound dezign.Without burn in .Everything sound very good and natural just as the way Audioman described.So far so good.Gary of RHB did a fantastic job installed those caps.His skill is as good as it get and at a very reasonable price.
Hi Jtran:
I have the stock SLP 05, but have been thinking about a cap upgrade. Do you recommend the Mundorfs?