Cary SLP 05 signal coupling caps upgrade ?.

Hi . I like to know if there is any Cary Slp05 preamp owner ugrade the signal coupling caps in yours preamp?.What is yours thougth on it?. Thank you all in advance .
Hi Jay,
Although my current preamp uses a DACT attenuator, I looked into switching out a volume pot for a discrete resistor attenuator for a previous preamp I owned. Remote control was not a big issue for me but, I stumbled across Bent Audio, who offers a couple of discrete resistor volume controls with remote, including a motor that can be mounted to a DACT, if you have the room;
Hi Jtran:

I have a few questions:

1. Do you have a list of the required capacitor values?

2. Did you change resistors?

Thanks in advance,
There are 6 kimber caps .33uf and 6 Multicaps 1uf .
they are connected in paralell (Multi and kimber cap combo)
If i had to do it again today ,i would go with the combo new Vcap Cutf .22uf and Mundorf siver gold oil 1uf.I have not change any resistors in the Slp 05 ,but i did it in my Cary 211 and the best one by far is the Shinkol tant.