Aw now come on...all you "haters" who have seen fit to bash the once "viable" cassette tape, why you gotta be like that huh?? Most of us at one point in time had 8 track tapes too...and shitty little low-fi record players as well. We all had to start somewhere. In it's day, (many moons ago), the cassette format was quite good IMHO, especially when recorded on high quality decks, then played back on them. Who's ever owned a Nak. Dragon? Good stuff right? Before the days of CD came along, our trusty cassette decks provided many hours of mobile entertainment, right? In the late 70's into the early/mid 80's I had more then a few ass kickin' car audio systems, all fronted by (none other than) a Nakamichi car cassette deck! It was awesome. It rocked. And it was about the best we could do at the time! But now look at us- we are all into the modern age of High-Rez down loads, SACDs, and $15,000 Koetsu phono cartridges! None of which render the lowly cassette tape "unlistenable." Can I hear an AMEN for that? Can I get a Hallelujia? I'm willing to bet that countless audiophiles still have a gazillion cassettes taking up space somewhere in their home, garage, hall closet? I sure as hell do, (about 2000 of them at last estimate.) So,for those of you "haters" of the "dead" cassette format- have a little heart and compassion for the rest of us old schoolers will ya?
In any case, I have too many cassette decks anyhow, so I am going to give Harnellt one of my fully functional, (and still quite nice sounding), Nakamichi cassette decks free of charge...SO There! Lets spread the love man! We're all in this together. Peace.