Thanks for the response to everyone. Ken, yes you and I did talk. The damage was to an entire board which fried so it was beyond a simple resistor swap.
I have one stereo system which is connected to my TV. I'm struggling with fixing my JL2 and keeping it long term when Ken Stevens himself is telling me it's a bad idea to use a JL2 as the amp for my TV.
I have a McCormack DNA-1 temporarily which isn't horrible. Maybe the thing to do is fix the CAT, realize it's going to break and keep the McCormack around as a backup. Or fix the Cat, sell it and the McCormack and pull some more cash and get a killer SS amp.
I would be OK with buying 16 6550 tubes every 12 to 18 months if that was the only maintenance a JL2 required. I'd even upgrade to the signature as I thought the regular JL2 when it worked was incredible.
I don't think I'll send it in and get the one fried board replaced and not get the signature upgrade though.
Has anyone been able to keep a signature up and running 3 years without down time using it 2000 hours a year? Replacing tubes is not down time. Am I just not being realistic here?