Cat JL2 with blown board. Advice needed

This is an older non signature model. A tube went out and the resistors protecting the output transformers combusted taking out one of the boards.

Now the good news: an upgrade to a signature model won't cost anymore with the damage. The bad news: this is my only stereo. Ken Stevens himself advised that it's really not the intent of the amp to use it for amplifying football and CNN. His point is that he doesn't do that and he can get tubes a lot cheaper than I can.

I really liked the amp even in it's non signature form. I have a symphonic line tube pre amp and Eggleston Andra speakers. I have been told that the Symphonic Line Kraft 250 is even better than the JL2 however no one has told me definitively against the JL2 signature.

Given the speakers and how I am going to use the amp, do I get it fixed and keep it or move on?

What would the amp be worth as is? You can buy the amp, pay $5000 to upgrade it and have a factory certified JL2 signature. It should have value.

Or is the signature even better than the Kraft 250 or any other SS amp in the $8k used range? If the signature is the cat's meow in it's range I am leaning towards keeping it and dealing with buying a lot of tubes frequently. I probably use the amp 750 hours a year.
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Thanks for the response to everyone. Ken, yes you and I did talk. The damage was to an entire board which fried so it was beyond a simple resistor swap.

I have one stereo system which is connected to my TV. I'm struggling with fixing my JL2 and keeping it long term when Ken Stevens himself is telling me it's a bad idea to use a JL2 as the amp for my TV.

I have a McCormack DNA-1 temporarily which isn't horrible. Maybe the thing to do is fix the CAT, realize it's going to break and keep the McCormack around as a backup. Or fix the Cat, sell it and the McCormack and pull some more cash and get a killer SS amp.

I would be OK with buying 16 6550 tubes every 12 to 18 months if that was the only maintenance a JL2 required. I'd even upgrade to the signature as I thought the regular JL2 when it worked was incredible.

I don't think I'll send it in and get the one fried board replaced and not get the signature upgrade though.

Has anyone been able to keep a signature up and running 3 years without down time using it 2000 hours a year? Replacing tubes is not down time. Am I just not being realistic here?
wanted to update this. Upgraded to a JL-2 signature. Buying tubes all the time will suck but the amp is just too good to let go.