CATSL1 best pre under 3K?

Is a CAT SL1 preamp the preamp to buy used under 3k or are there better
To buy a newer Dude. I have owned 3 Dudes in total. The latest has a
better chassis, improved power supply, larger transformer .....

Ha, I love the current Dude! See my system to see my super Dude!
The Dude does not seem to have a lot of traction on the open market, meaning not many transfer ownership. this could mean a vareity of things, few purchased, and/or hard to get rid of --- hot potato
Understand few are sold compared to the big or even medium boys. Few are willing to try gear from small one man companies . Too bad as the very best gear I have owned over the past 30 years comes from very, very small companies of one or a couple of folks.

I sold my two Dudes within a week of listing each time. However , my feedback is stellar.