Cayin does offer excellent value. The 265 I believe is their ss design, which to me is a "fluke" , since Cayin makes superb amps at incredible price points. Ghost I did make a post about the Cayin 15 and the 17. I firstr bought the 15 used here on the gon and loved its playback. Only used the tube outs, never the ss. The seller had the chinese stock tubes replaced with Bugle Boys. I'd easily compare it to another very popular american band that is tube, and cost 3X's the Cayin.
Then i got tthe 17 from a chinese dealer here on the gon, last summer. The upgrade was worth the investment. I would say the 15 is almost as good as the 15, but still worth the investment if you have the money. The 17 has 4 tubes, 2 per channel. I have not upgraded the tubes yet, and may not.
Then i got tthe 17 from a chinese dealer here on the gon, last summer. The upgrade was worth the investment. I would say the 15 is almost as good as the 15, but still worth the investment if you have the money. The 17 has 4 tubes, 2 per channel. I have not upgraded the tubes yet, and may not.