CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl

No comparison, CD always sounds so cold and gritty. Vinyl is so much warmer, smoother and has better imaging and much greater depth of sound. It’s like watching the world go by through a dirty window pane when listening to a CD. Put the same LP on the turntable and Voila! Everything takes on more vibrancy, fullness and texture. 

“Question : is 3D Soundstaging better on LP or CD?”
(Please note one should first mention the global disclaimer : “No height information is captured in stereophonic recording”.)”

>>>>>I got as far as that comment. I’m out. Of course height is captured in the recording. Why wouldn’t it be? Height is just another one of the 3 dimensions. Otherwise, it would be a 2D soundstage. Hel-loo! Reverberant decay occurs in all three dimensions. You can’t stop it. There are many reasons why CDs do not sound as good as they could on playback systems, as I’ve been preaching recently, two of the leading culprits are lack of isolation and scattered laser light problem, that until very recently has not been addressed or even acknowledged. Plus I’ve always maintained untreated CDs in stock home systems generaliy sound two dimensional, whimsy, compressed, rolled off, bland, bass shy, unnatural, and like paper mache.

“Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles.”
I was just listening to Ramsey Lewis Trio "In Chicago" on CD and the bass on the left channel is constantly moving up and down horizontally, just like the LP, both mono and stereo versions.  Also, the 3D soundfield of orchestral recordings sound just like my LPs.  Who says that CDs don't reproduce the horizontal soundfield?  That's just dumb.

P.S. The 1980s CD players generally sounded just like Geoffkait described bad players, except for a few like the Kyocera 310 and 410 units which sounded lush and analoglike, lacking in the deep bass.  I have several of them which I purchased cheap 15 years ago when they were already obsolete to repair.

fleschler736 posts02-05-2019 6:24pmI was just listening to Ramsey Lewis Trio "In Chicago" on CD and the bass on the left channel is constantly moving up and down horizontally, just like the LP, both mono and stereo versions. Also, the 3D soundfield of orchestral recordings sound just like my LPs. Who says that CDs don’t reproduce the horizontal soundfield? That’s just dumb.

>>>>As far as I can tell noone says CDs can’t produce the horizontal soundfield. Maybe you meant vertical not horizontal, hard to tell. Moving up and down horizontally kind of doesn’t make sense. When I say CDs generally sound two dimensional I’m referring to depth mostly, but also just plain blah.
Yes, I meant the vertical soundfield.  My mistake.  As to depth, wow, I've got as much depth as intended by the recording engineer.  CDs can sound awesome.
Please note I said untreated CDs on stock systems. We’ll get there eventually....😛 I never met an audiophile who didn’t think his system was the greatest.