CD no more produced?

Except dictated shops, the CD's are stopped selling on major shopping malls.
Due to unavailability of CD started looking  at streaming, finally selected Tidal, but I am not satisfied, Using Teac DAC, Spec RSA717Ex integrated amp paired with Dali speakers

And also downloaded few albums through paid service for Hiresaudio and  burned to CD, the quality of sound is not comparable with Music company produced CD's.
Have Music company's have stopped producing CD? 

 of course old punks never die, they are just not as active, and like to wear slippers and smoke a pipe whilst cranking the stereo and spitting on the ceiling......those were the days of misspent
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Another thank you to "brauser" mentioning Ordered my first group of CD's from them on Sunday & they were delivered today. 
@tparr said:

"I was in the habit at one time of going into the streaming services such as iTunes or Spotify not to stream the music but only to discover new music, and when I came across something I liked, I'd then check the used CDs on Amazon to get the physical CD.  "

That's the only thing I use streaming for. And its a good resource. I use eBay rather than Amazon though. 

Will look into some of the other CD sources mentioned here as well.