CD Player for around 3500?

I'm looking for a CD player that I can consider my last. After this its multi median SACD etc. So I'm interested in a 24/192 sampler. Currently I'm considering both new and used so Meridians, Muse, Cary, Audio Aero, and even the new Sony muli channel 777 (replacement for the SCD-1) are being considered. Problem is I can find very happy owners of all of the above but now objective reviews.
Keis-If you want to know the nitty-gritty about the Audio Aero player, send my friend Jonathan an email he goes by the moniker Jtinn-he is VERY knowledgeable about all things audio but the audio aero is one of his favorites. He is sick at the moment but will get back to you when he is well, he will answer any concievable question you could have. To tell you the truth if money was no issue, I would still have a hard time chosing between the DP-75v and the Audio Aero Capitole, with digital there is a point where the law of diminishing returns happens and it happens quick- that is how good they both are and seeing that the Capitole is nearly half the price of the DP-75v it is appearant which is the better "value" in the group. Many people also rave about there Resolution Audio CD-55, though I have no personal experience with it so can offer no opinion. Good luck.
Tireguy I can't fault your taste but the Capitole is a long way from my $3500 mark. Its going for $6800.
Some of you know my feelings about my Electrocompaniet EMC-1 MkII. EC has raised the list to $5k, but a used emc-1 can be bought for around $2k and then easily upgraded by getting the MkII DAC (like I did). I'm so happy with this setup that I got a few of the DAC Kits for other A'goners, and just floated another auction for one if any emc-1 owner out there has any upgrade itches.
Redbook CD playback with thunderous authority yet absolutely grainfree texture and exquisite detail. I just didn't know it could be done! Good luck in your search.