CD Player recommendations for a SET system

I thought I'd post this in the Amp Pream forum for the SET experts. I have 211 mono blocks and DB-99 speakers. I am trying to find a CD player which will give some dynamics to the sound. Budget is about 2k for a used player. My system sounds very good currently (using an older sony CD player) but large scale orchestra sounds somewhat conjested. Vocals and smaller scale music is great. What CD players have you SET users found that work best in the combo.

Oh yea, left this out of my last post-

Amfibius thanks for the Droplet recommendation- I have this CD player in my sights along with the Opus 21. I liked these two as they can be used with no pre-amp. However I may need a good pre to occomplish my objective.
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Thanks Tvad,

In looking through the hx of the threads on the Modright you have been fairly active with it, but your input has been consistent and I do appreciate candidness. Nothing wrong with having an opinion, particularly when others seem to support it.
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Thanks Tvad, I appreciate it, really.

There are A LOT of people on this forum with only a small % of them offering up some thoughts (I am guilty of that too). So I don't think it's very sportsman like for others to sit back and pick at the members who do share their experiences and ideas on issues. If I had 6k for a CD player I'd look at the Apple. But I got 2-3K and your recommendations are exactly what is helpful to me.

Anyone else?