CD Players Getting Better?

I am in the market for a CD player and am wondering if it
is worth the extra money to go for a newer player, or look
for a great deal on an older player. As an example, am I
better off spending my $1500 on a 5-6 year old $3k player
or getting a 1-2 year old $2k player. I know, of course
that this depends on the player, but in general what is the
best approach? Have CD players improved enough over the
past few years to justify getting a newer one?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
I find my new Cary 24/96 model "303" to be of stunning quality, and I don't think this quality was available at this price (3k new, 1800 used) until now.

On the other hand, I recently heard an old $200 cd player on a system that was naturally warm and musical sounding but not highly resolving - it had excellent tonality (Gale 401 speakers with NAD amp) and it was extremely satisfying.

Is this a money question or a CDP tech. question? Kind of hard to tell, but isn't it just easier to say this is how much I got, what should I get? I'll answer assuming your question is 'I have $1500 and am trying to stretch that amount as far as I can.'

If that is your question, I think a good way to stretch your dollars is to buy used. No matter what, all you got is $1500 right? You can purchase a nicer used CDP for that amount, than you can a new one for the same. CDP's are on a sliding scale in the used market, but you can find even current technology for about the same discount as older stuff (1/2-1/3 off). Do you need it now, or can you be patient and ambush the right deal when it comes along would be my question.

I say buy used, unless there is some local dealer you would like, or need to keep up a good relationship with. You can buy a damn nice current but used CD player for $1500.

I really do think some of the new technology offers better resolution and less of a "digital" sound. I'm extrememly pleased with my EVS Millenium DAC II. Before that I was using an old Studer A727...a $3000-$4000 pro CDP from the 80s. It sounds great and it's built like a tank, but the newer DAC chips offer much more resolution and a more natural, refined sound. Some of the Resolution Audio CD50 sell in the $1500 - $1700 price range, and there are many more options. I use my DAC with my DVD player (a Pioneer DV05), and they cost a total of $1650.
I would say go to the used market. I previously used a heavily modified Phillips unit just to play music that was not available in LP format. An audiophile friend was in the upgrade mode, and I purchased his theta tranport and Dac with Theta's proprietary optical link. This is by far the most listenable digital I have every heard, including Levinson, Spectral, Meridian, Wadia. My previous experience was the only differences were their respective weaknesses.. My combo cost less than $ 1800. I actually look forward to listening to disks now. Sorry I waited five years to upgrade. Perhaps the recent move to one box units is to lower price, and attract the audiophile waiting for the new formats.