CD players with volume control ?????

I'm considering a Wadia 830 used to add to my 2 channel system. My only source is CD. I have a Krell KAV 250a with a NAD c160 pre-amp, and an old Phillips CD player hooked up to B&W N805s. I want to eliminate my pre-amp and upgrade my CD, I'm thinking that the Wadia is the way to do it, any thoughts? Are there any other CD players with volume control that allow you to eliminate the pre-amp?

This subject comes up about once a week! I'm sure that you can find MANY post in the archives at this site and at AudioAsylum. But since I have a setup like this, I'll give you a few to check out.

Theta Miles (the balanced version is supposedly better, even if using the RCA outputs) I previously owned one and ran it direct to amp with good success.

Cary CD-308/CD-308T Choose between the solid state or tubed version. I currently own the SS version and it is VERY GOOD for the price!

Cary CD-306/200 (volume control option added $500)


Resolution Audio Opus 21 (This will be my next player)

Look to the archives for many more choices.


Check out Musical Fidelity's web site. They have a weird CD/Pre-amp combination that might work for you. Just a thought....
Do a search this is with out a doubt the most asked question at the 'gon. FWIW I prefer units that use analog volume controls, accuphase and wadia employ a digital volume control which is less favorable for a number of reasons.
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Being relatively new to Hi-Fi, I figured that I was the only one in the world with this question and never thought to check the history. I will heed your advice and do it. You guys probabaly feel like I do when I play golf behind a foursome with handicaps much higher than mine... I take a deep breath and remember they have to start somewhere too. Thanks for the patience!