CD players with volume control ?????

I'm considering a Wadia 830 used to add to my 2 channel system. My only source is CD. I have a Krell KAV 250a with a NAD c160 pre-amp, and an old Phillips CD player hooked up to B&W N805s. I want to eliminate my pre-amp and upgrade my CD, I'm thinking that the Wadia is the way to do it, any thoughts? Are there any other CD players with volume control that allow you to eliminate the pre-amp?

Ritteri-Your opinions are well taken and appreciated. As such, my opinions on Wadia gear is that it is as digital sounding as it gets. Also, I think I am already thankful that I too can get around to gear and A/B gear with identical 100% conditions and my findings are polar opposite to yours. You even posted under the review which had a TRUE apples to apples comparison of the Opus vs. others in the review section.

As for the negative review, when one equals a $3500 player to a $700 player (Adcom) to me that is negative no matter how you slice it. As well I did not see any scientific analysis you did in your comparison other than use the term double blind. I would think most of us here test pieces under identical conditions to remove any confounding variables.

-Happy Listening
Sorry, I have yet to find 1 single review where ANYONE used actual calibrated testing gear to level set and gain match components. And please dont tell me you have. This would have actually been mentioned.I dont know too many people besides myself that actually owns multiple RTA's and Oscilliscopes. 99.9% of the people here are 100% biased on comparisons in one way or another,take a few psychology courses and you may get some answers, and the fact that you think that comparing a $700(actually about $1250)player to a $3500 player is absurd just states to me how hypocrytical people can be. Since comparing the Opus21 to a Wadia 8 series player must also be absurd too correct?I bet you must think that my workstation's cd rom and sound card (with a total worth of about $400 between the 2)couldnt compare to either the Opus21 right?Why not? They are both PC based cd players in all reality. Price doesnt matter as much as some people think.

As for the "review" I posted under that compared "apples to apples" I dont remember reading ANYTHING stating that all equipment was properly level matched for a 100% true comparison. Like I stated, its a scientific proven fact that just 1 db will change our perception of sound. Its also a scientific proven fact too that if you change out one component for another and know BEFOREHAND which unit is playing that this will also affect one's judgement as to how we percieve sound.

As for stating Wadia is "digital sounding" that term makes me chuckle again. Sounds to me like suggestive opinionated thinking at best. But then you find alot of that online. A few members from Audiogon have been to my place for more realistic comparisons on equipment that range from a few hundred to many thousands of dollars, and that same number have left with new thinking afterwards. Thats all Ill say on this subject.

Ritteri- How foolish I must be, I just listen and get the components that sound best to me in my system, I gotta stop doing that!
Suggestive opinionated thinking at best:

"There is alot of hoopla over this unit, but I think its just that, "hoopla". Still too many other good choices out there for equal or less money with just as good if not better potential."

I'll take my ears over oscilliscOpes any day.
Ill take my ears over an Osciliscope or RTA too anyday, but when you use these tools properly to help truely evaluate and AB equipment they are priceless and very valuable as tools. People in this thread(like yourself from what I gather)take such a defensive stand over what is just an opinion from myself. But I personally think my opinion is a bit closer to painting a proper picture between source units that I actuaslly have hands on experience with than anything else Ive read lately on the subject. Why not give this guy here some business at: and order up his journal. This guy is great at seperating alot of BS opinions and myths and tells it like it is. He even has a few journals on how to properly evaluate equipment without letting your emotions and subliminal thinking get in the way. Excellent reading. Seriously.