Cd Source for my system

I am looking for a source for my system: Michi M8 monos, B&w 802D3
I don't use a preamplifier, I thought I'd solve it from a good source.
I'm considering an Esoteric cd player line, which cd, sacd, dac, + preamplifier.
Until now, there was a Proceed cdp that filled this place, I liked it a lot, but I would like a final one without compromises. I'm thinking about used, K 01 and K 03 came to mind first. There would have been an opportunity for a K05X at a good price, but as far as I know, it cannot be used as a preamp. The budget could be around €5,000. I am open to other suggestions. Thanks!


without getting into the seperate- preamp-is-better discussion, i note that the marantz 50N and 30N have an onboard digital preamp and streaming capability and are well within your budget

Why would you say a pre-amplifier should not make a difference?  Generally, sources have weak line-level output.  This is not always an issue, but I've always preferred the ability to crank the power amplifier up less in favor of a stro ger input signal.  This works REALLY well with things like multimedia speakers who were never given a fair shot.  If you poke around you'll see the high-dollar units are always paired with high end sources, while low-slung speaker sets get reviewed on on-board sound, which is so unfair.  I've put a DAC and pre-amplifier behind otherwise inexpensive multimedia sets, and the results were very good.

Yes, I considered the marantz cd 30N player and the Esoteric K 03 player. However, I don't know how comparable the sound quality of the two is. I would currently have the option of an Esoteric K 05X amplifier, but it cannot be used as a preamplifier.

I am a Audio Club Member and get the opportunity to experience a range of systems in others homes, as well as a range of ass on devices to be demo'd.

A Club Member Owns the EAR Acute, and as a result I am very very Familiar with the EAR Acute used in their own System and a variety  of other Systems

Additionally. I have heard it in use as a Pre Amp' Bypass using the Models VC, as well as being used as a Standalone DAC.

In certain systems as a Pre Amp (VC) the synergy created has proved it to be the best experienced during the day.

In general this Model is an extremely attractive encounter in use.