CDP with "holographic" sound for less than 1000?

I am looking for a cdp to live with for the next five years. I am looking for the holographic or "in the room" sound. Most reviews focus on "inner detail" and "low level resolution". I think that these are similar but perhaps different. I also want to minimize "listener fatigue".

Players I've seen highly recommended in the desired "imaging" and "sound-stage depth" area are Theta Miles, Anthem CD1, Jolida JD100 and Musical Fidelity A3. Other highly rated options seem to be Rotel, Arcam, Adcom, Cambridge Audio but these are usually noted for their "clarity", etc.

I have eliminated Rega (no front-loaders), Jolida 603 (didn't like the mechanism), Cal Audio (no service available??), and the newer formats (will wait a few years for SACD, etc.).

I have been very happy with my pre-amp upgrade to an Anthem PRE-1L and am looking to slowly upgrade the rest. Other system components are Adcom 555 amp and KEF Reference 1 speakers (small floor-standers with laid-back British sound and good imaging). IC's are AQ Coral. Speaker wires are Monster. Other system recommendations are welcome.

The music I like is Rock (Steely Dan, Santana, Floyd, Sting), Jazz (Miles, of course), Blues (Hooker), and vocals.

The room is approx. 15' by 20' with vaulted ceiling and hardwoord floors.

Thanks to all Audiogoners!!! You have gotten me back into the hobby after many years of hating CD sound.
Thanks for the tips. There seem to be a lot of options in this price range. Any opinions on tube output stages?
Unless a tube stage is done extremely well in a much more expensive player than what is being discussed here I would stay away from them.
the Anthem CD1 is incredible and will give you the "in the room" quality you are looking for. I find Arcam to be flat and thin...
Chelillingworth, I'm wondering why you would stay away from the CDP's discussed here that have the tube output stage. Could you elaborate a bit on your reasons? How much more expensive are you talking? What associated equipment were you using with the tube output CDP's that formed your opinion? My system can be viewed as it now stands. I'm very happy with my Jolida JD100.
Raysonic CD 128............Cannot be beaten in the used market for a used price. Yes it is a tube player.

Also, Raysonic has come out with a replacement for the CD 128........the 138.
Some good deals going on for the 128 new.