CEC owners What Power Cord are You using?

I am looking for owners of CEC transports to advise me on what power cords they are using and what they have tried. I own a CEC TL-2X Transport and I am looking for a refined sound, with smoothness, details, dynamics, 3D soundstage, separation of vocals and deep defined bass. I like the mids to have a little flesh but no smearing and not too thick sounding.

Thanks and Happy Listening.
I use to own a CEC transport, Kimber powerkord is the
one that works very well.
I am also using a Shunyata King Cobra V1......this replaced a Pursist Audio Dominus.
I have gotten the most out of the CEC TL-1X/Audio Note 3.1 DAC combo using FIM power cables. Although, I found the CEC a bit rolled off in my system, the FIMs helped with the frequency extension, yet retained the sweet CEC musicality.