The midrange went bad in one of my ditton 44s. They still sounded alright, it took me two months before I got around to installing the Cambers I had before. Man, the Cambers are way more efficient, I don't need to crank my amp so high. The amp I had before fried about three months ago, I wonder if driving the amp hard running these inefficient speakers caused it's demise... (the amp was 20 years old). "Honey, the amp blew." "You turned it up too loud, didn't you" "Yeah...."
I would like to find new midrange drivers for my dittons, because I like them, but if needs a midrange, maybe I will part mine out.
There are a pair of Ditton 44 speakers for sale on E bay right now, I put a bid on them; If I win the bid, I will have the owner send the drivers only to save on shipping.