Ceramic fuses

Gday, Im looking at purchasing some ceramic fuses for my Primaluna gear. 
The question I have, would  a gold plated or rhodium plated fuse be the way to go? If so, which would be the better choice? 
Any information or help, would be appreciated. 
Cheers Ricey

Merry Christmas, everyone
Pure copper has 100% IACS conductivity. Copper allloys have conductivity between 99 and 86% IACS.

Rhodium which is much harder than platinum and palladium, typically 800-1000 HV, and has exceptionally high corrosion resistance. It has
electrical conductivity of 38% IACS. This makes it the most electrically conductive of the platinum group metals. 

Some idiot reads the last sentence above which is made in the context of platinum group of metals, and later thinks Rhodium is one of the best conductors of electricity amongst all conducting  metals.. . 
Post removed 
Ricey, from all the discussion, it's clear that you are referring to a fuse in the power supply part of the amplifier. I've never tried different fuses in that location. I can't opine whether different fuses matter there.

However, I have tried different types of inexpensive fuses in the speaker circuit. Here, the difference was clearly audible. To further investigate this, I asked a musician to listen as I substituted a speaker fuse with a 'wire', in a single-blind test. The musician friend heard the difference every time and consistently characterized the sonic difference, fuse vs. wire. His description matched what I had heard while listening alone. 

There are so many variables that can confound a listening test, that to do a scientifically valid blind test is very difficult. But, if the effect is pronounced enough, a simple test may suffice, like in the speaker fuse experience I had.

In my opinion, try the fuses and see if you can hear a difference. If so, you wind up choosing the one that sounds better to you. Or, you could wind up more confused than ever. Sonic memory can be deceiving. Good luck, and hope to read bout your conclusions.
There are other factors that affected my test of speaker fuse vs wire. One is that the contact between the fuse holder and the fuse is different for a fuse configuration vs. a wire configuration. The original experiment was performed casually and was done to demonstrate an audible difference between two things inserted into a fuse holder.

The actual cause of the audible difference may or may not be the fuse element inside the fuse. Without further investigation, and controlled experiments, the actual root cause of the audible difference is undetermined at this time. I only can claim that a repeatable, identifiable difference can be heard between the two objects, fuse vs wire.