Channel Islands D-100 Amplifier

Has anyone had an opportunity to listen to this amp yet? It looks very interesting ( but I'd grateful for any first hand impressions. I'm looking to use two of these monoblocks for the front two channels of a multi-channel system, using a Marantz SR9300 receiver as the preamp, to improve two-channel stereo performance.
These amps sound like they're really something... I figured Dusty would eventually do something like this though.

Most of these digital amps are built off modifying or just plain using a reference amp module as it comes from the tech vendor.

So you make some mods, get creative with supplying power, and you're good to go. It's great to see a seasoned pro like Dusty get products like this into his line-up because with his knowledge and skill he's definitely going to be besting those boutique brands that are using the same basic technology, but are charging up the wazoo for it.

I'm considering seeing if I can replace my Aragon 8008BB with a set of D-100's or D-200's... my only concern being the power supply... it doesn't looke like there's much filter capacitance for reserve, and the circuit doesn't double down into 4 Ohms which troubles me a bit.

The D-100's have 27,340uF of power supply capacitance, which is really overkill for this type of design. The efficiency of the Class D section does not require huge banks of filter capacitors like a standard class AB design.

No amp truly doubles it power output into half impedance due to various losses. The ones who claim this are probably slightly under rating the 8 ohm perfomance. The D-100 and
D-200 will output much more power into lower loads. The current limiting is really what determines this in our design.
I can thank Psychicanimal for my first exposure to Channel Islands last Summer.
I brought my modded mono amps & tube Dac over to his place and was shocked at how well his little Channel Island setup sounded.
These D-100's & (soon D-200's) must be really special.