Cheap tweaks...What would YOU reccomend?

Hey everyone, I am looking for some cheap tweaks, i just got done putting in a inner tube under my componets as an isolation device, and it works great. What else would you reccomend?..i am also thinking of an inner tube under the spkrs, with some sort of device to keep them stable. What do you think of Rf blockers..etc Please leave comments on your tweaks and how they turned out. i am looking forward to trying some. Thanks all
Tgb, when you put the teflon tighty around fuse the teflon will stay on there. When you put the teflon on all these places leave it on there for a few weeks. With this tweak I'm hearing things in the music that were blocked before! GREAT TWEAK!!
Here's another great hook-up wires to replace those binding posts on your speakers and amps.....
HiFisoundguy, when I had Beauhorns which have no crossover, I ran solid silver wires from the single driver to the outside of the binding post. I then put the spade of the speaker cables directly on it and use the lug of the binding post as a nut to tighten up the two. It was easy to revert when I sold the speakers.
This is some big, big, big, bang for the buck. First Stillpoints ERS Paper (Google it!)for about $20 per sheet--then experiment. This paper/cloth is amazing. It absorbs EMF/RFI from everything. You can paste it to the underside of you CD/DVD player's lid, around cables, power supplies, etc. and get marvelous results---especially with digital front ends as digital is very sensitive to noise.

Second, is Walker Audio SST Silver Treatment. This is about $75 but it only takes just a wisper to make the difference to any contact: rca, speaker terminal, power cord, etc.

I challange anyone to beat these tweaks for the money. I dare you. I double-dare you!
Condocondor, not to be combative but I have used both and sold them. In particular, the ERS paper proved a disaster in my system, even the smallest piece. It robbed music of all thrill and dynamics. Incidentally, I have found that aluminum duct tape works very effectively as a barrier to external noises.

Walker's SST was quite good, but I used it on tube pins and found it caked on because of the heat. I had to use emory boards from AudioTop to file it off. Indeed, I found the AudioTop Workstation cleaners and contact enhancer to sound better and to cause no problems on tube pins.

I fully expect that systems and tastes differ.