I think you confuse many people's desire to support manufacturers in their home country (or continent) with prejudice. Many people have been directly affected by outsourcing of jobs, and so they see that the less expensive Chinese import product also has hidden costs to our societies in North America and Europe.
I wish China all the best as it struggles to build a healthy middle class, but I don't like to see the rise of the Chinese middle class matched by the decimation of the US middle class. For all the talk of opportunity for American and European businesses in China it is largely that .. talk. For now the trade is almost entirely one way, thanks to our political (and business) masters, and a mercantilist Chinese development policy.
I wish China all the best as it struggles to build a healthy middle class, but I don't like to see the rise of the Chinese middle class matched by the decimation of the US middle class. For all the talk of opportunity for American and European businesses in China it is largely that .. talk. For now the trade is almost entirely one way, thanks to our political (and business) masters, and a mercantilist Chinese development policy.