Choice of Wire for Dedicated Line

I'm planning on having a dedicated line run directly to the service panel. There is a LOT of RF in this area; as we have an antenna farm within a few miles. Any specific recommendations for wire?
I recall reading here on Audiogon about an "industrial grade" cable that is superior to Romex and designed for industrial/commercial settings. (Actually, I read about it soon after I ran 10-gauge Romex for my dedicated lines, and have stayed with the Romex.)
You raise several points that I do not recall having seen in previous threads, or that..speaking for myself..I would like to hear you elaborate upon....
..having dedicated lines will accentuate the differences between stock and good PCs
..Romex is VERY directional
..your experience with and selection of grounding arrangements
Thank You
Appreciate all the advice and suggestions. I will try to post some info after this project is complete.
How long did you burn-in the 83802? The advantages of Teflon over PVC should become more apparent over time. I trust your front-end is resolving enough to yield a perceiptible difference.
My order of preference:
1. 83802 (12AWG)
2. 10AWG Romex
3. 12AWG Romex
Something about a quieter background yielding greater perceived dynamics, especially at lower listening levels.
Its as though subtle details are more discernable, so that loudness doesn't have to be increased. In my case it means more satisfaction in very late night listening sessions....
Red, nice to bump into you again. Is there a "thanksgiving" analog in kiwiland?
I agree with you that setting up dedicated lines is primary, but if you ARE going to do all that labor it seems to make sense to use a finer cable if lengths aren't TOO long, as $2/ft is still a relatively cheap investment toward improvement in our systems. I installed BOTH lines AND PCs made from 83802, and the composite improvement is significant. As to the causation distribution amounts I can't say. I'm getting strong feedback re the improvements in just introducing short DIY 83802 PCs, but I still suspect the more significant improvement lies in using IT from start to finish. I've become a devotee of this red "firewire", and am such a sucket that I'm assembling DIY kits of the stuff with good connectors for what amounts to minimum wage! If some systems don't benefit from it, then at least it's cheap, and it has high WAF when that bright red "firewire" is set in clear 1/2" PVC. Ha.
Keep well, all. Ern
Ern, It is possible that the Beldon 83802 will improve with more time on it. I'll continue to burn it in and get back to you in a few days. I'm using a run of 43'.