I appreciate the advice and wish I had the resources necessary to listen to all of the speaker pairs that I'm interested in; I don't. Therefore, and like most people, I rely on reviews for, at least, a starting point.
As far as brightness goes, of all the reviews I read regarding the Jamo Concert 8's were very positive, even the only one that eluded to its brightness. As a matter of fact, my current speakers, the ML Odysseys, are reviewed by some as somewhat bright also but I don't have a problem with them.
I did win a pair of the Jamos and installed them today; they are overall pretty impressive but, as I feared, they are a bit shrill at certain frequencies and higher volumes. Before I put them on Audiogon or eBay , though, I will try switching DACs to get some more tubes trying tame them.
As far as brightness goes, of all the reviews I read regarding the Jamo Concert 8's were very positive, even the only one that eluded to its brightness. As a matter of fact, my current speakers, the ML Odysseys, are reviewed by some as somewhat bright also but I don't have a problem with them.
I did win a pair of the Jamos and installed them today; they are overall pretty impressive but, as I feared, they are a bit shrill at certain frequencies and higher volumes. Before I put them on Audiogon or eBay , though, I will try switching DACs to get some more tubes trying tame them.