Chord Hugo TT2 - My experience so far

Wanted to share some thoughts and potentially some tips for owners of this DAC based on my experience with it in the last months…

In the course of the last few years I’ve tried several DACs:

Chord Qutest, Mytek Brooklyn +, Bryston BDA3, Benchmark DAC 3 HGC, Bricasti M3, PS Audio DSD MkI. My system evolved around these DACs but the sonic signature of each of these units was nonetheless apparent. The Qutest really impressed me and I wanted to try the TT2. So when I first received and connected this DAC, I was disappointed. The system just didn’t sound right. I have two integrated amps right now, Coda CSiB and Boulder 866. What I heard with both amps was consistent - sound was too busy, lacking finess, separation of instruments, clarity was poor and as the mix got busier, things were getting lost in translation and obscured. Vocals were set behind the instruments and were completely overwhelmed by the rest of the mix.
I was experiencing fatigue and I was puzzled - this DAC did not sound as good as any of the DACs I owned previously.

I was using the TT2 in its DAC mode. After reading and watching reviews, I began to suspect the output of TT2 was too hot. Using balanced cables, this DAC, when set to DAC mode, produces a whopping 5v! Being the kind of guy who reads the manual only when there are problems, I referred to the manual and of course, there it is! A short paragraph about DAC output and matching it to the preamp/integrated amp. 

Setting this DAC to AMP mode, Low Gain and attenuating volume to between -7 and -10 is a game changer! Gone is the big ball of sound, the stage expanded, nothing is lost in the mix anymore, vocals are clear and upfront with instruments behind the singer spread out nicely, very good depth (although it doesn’t match the Bricasti M3 in this area), proper separation of instruments, undetectable noise floor and most importantly it now sounds natural and relaxed.
So once again, synergy is key! Matching the source to preamp section by output voltage and impedance (the latter is quiet low with TT2 so it should work with pretty much anything) is extremely important. I’m once again able to listen and enjoy music fatigue free for hours!

Hope this help others who own this DAC fine tune and optimize their systems. 


It might not always work, but logically most of the signal gain should be obtained in quiet environment (preamp or DAC) and not in the power amp (heavy currents, more noise) - that's at least what Benchmark recommends for my DAC3+AHB2 combo.

I had Benchmark DAC 3 set at -10db when I had it (HGC version). It sounded best that way. The 0db setting produced results similar to TT2 in DAC mode although not quiet as bad. I don’t mean any disrespect but recommendations from Benchmark are nothing but basic guidelines. They say USB cables make no difference on their DAC 3.


They recommended I run DAC 3 HGC direct to amp bypassing my preamp (Pass Labs) as Pass is too noisy and colored according to them. Not even remotely as good as with preamp. They say XLR cables make no difference. Another false statement.
System synergy is what will determine what works best. Tune iand voice it all by ear and use what works best in your setup.

@audphile1   I agree - it is only recommendation (it works for me).  As for USB, they likely stressed out the fact that in async USB there is no possibility of jitter (since clocks are asynchronous) - ignoring possible indirect source - an electrical noise injected into DAC.

Audphile1, thank you for responding. I probably should have mentioned my pre-amp is an Audio Research LS28SE, I doubt that it makes any difference, but thought I’d throw in to the mix. I will try this and see what results I get, it’s a shame that Chord doesn’t explain this a little more in-depth. But ARC doesn’t make any mention of voltage limitation of inputs in their manual either. 

@theo definitely worth a try. Give yourself some time to adjust to new sound after you make the change. You might get more volume range on the ARC preamp as well