Chord Hugo ?

Has anyone (or could anyone) try the Chord Hugo as a DAC in their system. It's getting tremendous attention in the headphone community as a revolutionary DAC that competes way beyond its 2400-dollar price that is up there with the best DACs at any price. I have never heard it so I don't know if this is true, but buzz about it is striking.
I see little about it here, so I thought I would ask. Thanks.
In_shore - For testing, I would start with standard redbook tracks, ones you know well. For most people, redbook is the vast majority of their music. One of the advantages of the Hugo is its ability to play 16/44. Since you have a SACD player, try some SACDs that also have redbook versions on them, assuming your player plays that hybrid format. They are not always the same mastering, so you have to be a little careful, but it is a place to start for comparison.

Downloading hi rez is always a bit of a crap shoot, depending on the mastering. Some of it is remastered from the original tapes with real care and it can be very good. Other is hardly better than the redbook. I would start with music you already have and know well and look for a high rez version of that.

If you are at all technical, I would also suggest using a program to display the frequency spectrum above 20 KHz. You can use Audacity or, I use a little free program call Spek. That will show you if there is really any content in the higher frequencies. If not, it may be the original source did not have any high end content or it may be the high rez is really just an up-sampled redbook.

JRiver Media Center has the capability of converting PCM to DSD and vice versa. It can be a good way to compare PCM and DSD since you know the source is the same. It will even do the conversion on the fly, although going PCM to DSD does take a pretty hefty CPU. Otherwise, you can just use it to convert to a new file.

It is pretty easy to get started with PC audio if you want to go that route. All you need is a PC with a USB out and a software player like JRiver. Connect the PC to a USB DAC and you should be good to go. JRiver takes a little time to set up. You can start with a Schit Modi for PCM or a Schit Loki for DSD for not much money. The Schit Bifrost with USB is more money, but goes up to 24/192, versus 24/96 for the Modi. I would take it slow rather than jumping in with the "ultimate" system.

If you are not used to dealing with computer programs it can be a little daunting. Dedicated systems like the Sony HAP-z1es are a good option for people who do not want to deal with the computer aspects.

Good luck.
OK, 2 days ago at a Pal's place, I had a marathon listening session with 4 headamps, 4 HPhones and 4 Dacs, ie Lampi B7, Hugo, DirectStream and MSB Platinum stack upgraded with Galaxy 2 clocks. No speakers used, just Woo Audio (2)/Senneiser/hugo internal amp and the SennHD800, Stax, BDynamic DT990T and Hifiman HE-6 HPhones.

Suffice to say that the Hugo cannot compete with the big boys. It was shaded by the DirectStream (both were "poor" with DSD and good with PCM). The Lampi and MSB were levels above those 2 others. The MSB being more detailed but a tad harsher/harder than the more silky close that I could see either one being preferred by some depending on taste. Both were superb with DSD.

The Hugo is a great portable, but will be easily dismissed as a desktop once Chord updated the QBD with the Hugo+ digital section. At least that is my prediction based on the past model evolution. The Hugo's power section is just too limited to compete with the haute gamme Dacs of this world, but then its only a fraction of the price and very versatile. It will be interesting to see how the Qute form factor Hugo will fare once paired with a great LPSU as well.

Bottom line is that its an excellent portable and if you expect more than that, you may come away disappointed. For me, the DSD playback was a major disappointment. Its PCM is way better.
Wisnon - Please, add the prices of the units you listened to. It is relevant to the discussion. The idea that a next generation unit at a much higher price may sound better is hardly a revelation. Look, I know you are annoyed by the earlier passing comment comparing the Hugo to your beloved Lampi, but how about being a little more straightforward about price here. It is part of the equation for most people.

Interestingly, the $2,400 Hugo was only "shaded" by the $6,000 DirectStream. That seems like a significant conclusion, unless cost is not relevant.

My experience is that DSD is not poor compared to PCM on the Hugo. In fact, I prefer it in many cases.
DTC, You seem to think that I am trying to slight the Hugo, when I am not. You made a false statement that I knew coud NOT be true, as I knew NO ONE had both a Hugo and Big7 at the time to make such a comparison. I had spoken to The LampizatorNA guys and they were still awaiting shipments patiently, apart for the 1 or 2 seed units they got. The same pal I visited was patiently waiting for his and he made an early order.

Prices of all these units are public info, so I am not "hiding" anything. However, here goes...the Lampi cost $10K, the MSB stack new would retail at $35K, the upgraded from PW2 to DStream Dac cost $5K and the Hugo he paid full retail $2,500.

The Hugo is a great portable device that is very versatile and does not cost an arm and a leg (still not "cheap", but certainly carries a high value). It however is limited by the design implementation and it is MANIFEST when you hear them in comparison to the others. Yes the Dstream is better, but I am not sure it is worth the price difference, but it has one critical sonic advantage I did hear with the treble in PCM. I did not care for DSD with either the Hugo or DStream, they definitely have their sweetspot with PCM material.

Finally, all these Dacs are quite fine and one could be happy with any of them, unless one is an ultra-obsessive audiophile. I just want to point out that there IS a difference that you can hear as you go up the price ladder of these 4 beauties.
DTC, trust me...the easiest determination to make between the top 2 and the bottom 2 here was with DSD material. It was a chasm!
It was a bit shocked, as I did not xpect that obvious a difference and it was clear from the first note.

I was particularly bummed by the DStream, as it operate in DSD upsampling mode, whereas the Hugo converted DSD to 2048fs PCM. thus you basically have 2 FPGA Dacs, one an uberDSD engine and the other an uberPCM engine. Both score way better with PCM. A head scratcher.

The Lampi Big7 (first time hearing it) and the MSB stack both trounced the other 2 in DSD (handily).

All 4 Dacs have interesting tech/implementatiions.