Hello everyone,
Pardon my absence from here but, I have very preoccupied with my wife's heart condition which ultimately, 2 months ago, resulted in successful open heart surgery at the Cleveland Clinic followed by many weeks of a rough recovery. I have been very busy writing in news groups for ICDs (pacemakers with a built in defibrillator) and HCM (a genetic heart condition disease). She was hammered by the defibrillator 26 times and I shared 6 of those hits while holding her and calling 911. Rather like holding onto an electric horse fence.
I'd like to address the downsizing of my store, Audible Elegance, in Cincinnati while I ran an operation here in Salt Lake City as well as a horse farm. The actual demonstration area was reduced by no more than 20%. The truth of the matter is that so many customers have been buying on line, Amazon and such, that continuing to use that much space really did not make good business sense. Combine that with an offer to buy me out of that space so another tenant could rent that whole old building simply made it an obvious choice.
I will be returning permanently to the east, in the near future, and I am sure everyone will enjoy the continuing changes that are now underway, particularly for the audio enthusiast.
Happy Listening to all. Thank you,
Pardon my absence from here but, I have very preoccupied with my wife's heart condition which ultimately, 2 months ago, resulted in successful open heart surgery at the Cleveland Clinic followed by many weeks of a rough recovery. I have been very busy writing in news groups for ICDs (pacemakers with a built in defibrillator) and HCM (a genetic heart condition disease). She was hammered by the defibrillator 26 times and I shared 6 of those hits while holding her and calling 911. Rather like holding onto an electric horse fence.
I'd like to address the downsizing of my store, Audible Elegance, in Cincinnati while I ran an operation here in Salt Lake City as well as a horse farm. The actual demonstration area was reduced by no more than 20%. The truth of the matter is that so many customers have been buying on line, Amazon and such, that continuing to use that much space really did not make good business sense. Combine that with an offer to buy me out of that space so another tenant could rent that whole old building simply made it an obvious choice.
I will be returning permanently to the east, in the near future, and I am sure everyone will enjoy the continuing changes that are now underway, particularly for the audio enthusiast.
Happy Listening to all. Thank you,