Appreciative for the continued comments. I've pulled up multiple suggested items and reviewed.I would have a lot of fun ordering $50k of hardware to listen to and test - I would spend the time without complaints and keep myself busy for a long while if it were possible.The AGD line would be entertaining I'm sure.
The decision I've made that will help make sure I'm not just 'buying & trying' in a cyclical routine is that I need to seek out and hear some of these options before I make the purchase. Class A is good, sound is great. Runs warm...I'll live with that for now.
I had a Firstwatt J2 prior to the XA25 - sound was very similar. Maybe many of the Nelson Pass amps are similar... I've only heard these two. Bass control was a stand out improvement with the Pass over the Firstwatt though. I never had an issue with output or SPL - I think the Pass has more headroom but I don't push things that hard for it to matter.