Class A multi-channel amp?

Does anyone know if anybody makes a 5 or 7 channel class A amp? Does not need a lot of power and similar to a 5 channel Clayton s40.
While not multichannel amp, the small class A Monarchy Audio mono's fit the bill and could be had new or used at around the same price as you would find a large multichannel class A for. Heck, you can spread the extra heat around this way.

Not sure what your budget is but, Cal. Audio Labs model CL2500mca is 500 watts per channel X 5. It runs in "Class A" for the first 100watts with 400 watts of head room. It's a digital amp that does not run hot and requires less power from the wall than conventional Class A or Class A/B because it much more efficient.

Here is one for sale on A/gon for $3200

Also, here is a web site with reviews and spec's on amp

Happy Hunting, Dave
A digital amp is not class A at all - it is class D or higher. Gigantic difference in every way. The digital amps will not get hot, hence the 500W x 5.

You could always get 3 2-channel class A amps! That would do it. YOu probably won't find any in one box due to obvious thermal issues, and if you do, I wouldn't buy it! Arthur
I have to agree with Arthur. That is, an amp with 5 channels running at 100 watts RMS in Class A would melt the shelf that it was resting on let alone make the chassis glow !!!

Having said that, i sincerely doubt if there is a multi-channel amp that will provide the sonics that you are looking for. As mentioned above, you'll probably have to resort to several individual amps that combine to give you the desired amount of channels. You simply can't cram all the support circuitry, power supplies and heatsinking for multiple channels with that level of sonics into one box. No matter what you do on a multi-channel amp, you're going to get cross-talk between the channels due to using a common power cord. This is true even with amps that use dedicated transformers for each channel. I don't know of any company that makes a 5 channel amp that uses 5 separate power cords. Sean
Sean...Digital amps (like the Carvers I just bought) are often described as having Class A, and Tube amp sonic characteristics. What is the basis for this? Perhaps the characteristic spectrum of harmonic distortion is similar.

I am at the boundry of electric service by two utilities: Mass Electric, and Western Mass Electric. Would my channel separation be improved if I plugged one amp into each grid?