Class A or AB amp for JBL S4700 speakers

Which should I go for and why? Brands I'm looking at are Accuphase, Pass Labs, and maybe McIntosh.
Hi Dave72, are those JBL speakers?, they sure look like them, anyway, which person are you on the listening panel, the couch?
Yes indeed. They are the S4700s!

I am not pictured in any of the photos in that post.
Hi dave72, did you like the sound of the JBL S4700s?, what is the difference in sound between this model and lesser and more exspensive model's?
I do now. Meaning, that they took a while to break in. Imo, they don't sound that good out of the box. They sound a bit dark, muddy, and closed-in.

The differences are the type of drivers used, the horn geometry, and the shape of the cabinets. As far as the differences in sound, I think these sound better than the Array 1400s, although quite a few would disagree with me on that. Also, these have better bass than the K2s. But the highs and mids of the K2 beat these. And of course the Everest beats all of them. I haven't heard the S3900, so I can't say. Some like them more than the S4700s, though.
The K2 is not complete. Because it has not enough gauge. You hear it back in the overall sound.

The new Wel Signature beats the Everest in timing and precision.