Thanks for the heads-up. I was not familiar with the new Pioneer Class-D AVRs. They look great.
Thanks for the heads-up. I was not familiar with the new Pioneer Class-D AVRs. They look great.
Class D is just Dandy!
@erik_squires Thanks for starting this. I had just ordered a NuPrime IDA-16 class-D amp when this popped up. It is a great amp. Many have already described how good class-D can be so I won't go into that. I'll just say I concur. Anyone looking for an amp owe it to themselves to at least check out some class-D offerings. It's new and I'm only a week in with about 70 hours on it but my NuPrime is the most satisfying amp I've listened to since giving up my octal tube pre/845 SET amp. No, it doesn't sound like tubes but it so musical and easy to listen to. Here's to class-D! Cheers, Scott |
I'm using a little HiFiBerry AMP+ that's mounted on top of a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B in our family room to drive some old JBL 4311B studio monitors. The RPi is running Roon Bridge, so it serves as a Roon output. This combination sounds surprisingly good. I have not tried this little gizmo in the big rig, but it's clear that there's fun to be had at all price points in Class D these days. https://www.dsnyder.ws-e.com/photos/potn/HiFiBerry_AMP+.jpg |
Hi Everyone, I owned a Rogue Pharaoh for over a year. I can attest to how good it sounds...it was a vast improvement in every way over the Cronus Magnum it replaced. It drove my Magnepan 1.7s very nicely. What I really enjoyed was how responsive it was when tube rolling the two 12au7s in the preamp section. You could really taylor the sound to you music & speakers. |