My main points of contention are with your earlier post in which you implied that class D amps have inherent compromises in sound quality and your last post in which you said class D sacrifices sound quality for efficiency. You don't specify what these supposed compromises are and I consider it irresponsible to mention sonic compromises in class D as if they were well known and givens.
As a result, I feel the need to respond by stating that I noticed no sonic compromises when I replaced my class A/B amps with class D amps.
In fairness,mitch2 did state in a subsequent post to yours that, when he compared some class A amps to the very good class D Acoustic Imagery amps (based on the NCore 1200 module), he thought these class D amps had some very good qualities (bass, tone, power, body and lack of noise) but they lacked the 'musicality' that he perceived with his class A options.
Fair enough, in his system he preferred the class A ( not class A/B) amps because they sounded more 'musical' than the class D amps. This 'musical' quality, by which I think he means that his system portrays a realistic sense that he is in the original venue listening to the actual performance, is obviously a very important quality to him as it is to me.
While I didn't directly compare class D amps to class A amps in my system I did compare them to my former class A/B amps. I do not perceive a lack of 'musicality' in my class D amps (D-Sonic M3-600-M mono-blocks) in my system and room. I have no interest in arguing the point or about why we had such different results. I just think we're both fortunate to have found such good amp solutions and we both should enjoy our systems no matter what type of amps we use.
The main point I want to convey is that current good quality class D amps perform very well. Based on my experience they outperform my former good quality class A/B amps- Adcom, McCormak and Aragon-in all categories that count for sound quality.
Getting back to the OP's original question:
"If it weren't for efficiency & power, would there be any reason to own a Class D amp? Do they beat Class A in any other categories that count for sound quality?"
My answer is I do not think class D amps beat Class A in any categories that count for sound quality yet, based on others opinions who have compared them directly in their systems and my auditions of class A amps in dealer systems.
However, class D amps have so many other advantages over class A (reduced price,electricity consumption,heat, size and weight) that some may opt for class D anyway. Then there are class G and H amps which I'm keeping an open mind about until I learn more and hopefully hear them.
Other than the above, David, I have no issues with you. However, I am a bit curious whether or not you utilize or offer class D amps in your HT business.
I certainly have no issues with you voicing your opinions just as I think you have no issues with others voicing their opinions. After all, I think that's the whole purpose of this very good forum.