class d

I want to hear from people who has had experience with these that did not work out and why,all you hear is the positive.I'm not wanting to bash them whatsoever, its just there are people that dont like them,im curious why.Yes ive had a couple,they didnt actually sound bad,but they didnt draw me into the music at all either.
I just purchased a Spectron Musician III (not the SE mk ii version), and should receive it in about a week. Am looking forward to trying it with my inefficient MBL 121 monitors. I've already dabbled with Class D - a pair of the older Nuforce 9.02 . I didn't like what I heard with those amps but based on what I've ready about the Spectron, I have high hopes that it will win me around. I will likely upgrade it to the SE mk ii later on, as funds allow, assuming I enjoy what I hear with the basic version. I'll update folks on my findings.
I have posted a review of the Gilmore Raven, the stereo version of the Raptor, in comparison to the Nuforce, in the reviews section of this website. This amp still amazes me months later.
Jimmy -

If you have access to a tubed pre give it a listen with the V2SE's. I've heard that the P-9 with the V2's can be too much of a good thing. IMO switching amps really need to be paired with a good tubed pre.
i sent the raptors back. i listened to a recording of the tchaikovsky violin concerto on the chesky label. i compared the raptors to my vtl deluxe 120 in triode mode.

using the vtl the violin was more full bodied. i heard the strings and the wood body. wit the raptors, the balance favored the strings and the sound of the wood, was barely evident.
I have the PS Audio GCC250 driving Magnepan 1.6s.
They play well together and have stunning dynamics.
Ruthless exposure of mediocre source means I ended up having to do a pretty substantial upgrade there, as well.
Now that's over, I wouldn't change a thing.