Classe preamps - CP-700 vs Classe CP-800?

Hi, I'm choosing between Classe CP-700 and the new CP-800 for Classe CA-M 600 and B&W 800 Diamond system. Frankly I don't care much for all this media player stuff so my main concern is traditional old school audio from CD/SACD player through XLR ICs. Is the new 800 preamp better than the good ole 700? I think I can buy a used 700 for the same price as the new 800 only 700 was made in Canada while 800 is China made. And I'm afraid that as a tradiation preamp through XLR CP-800 would be much inferior.
Starting with the CP-800 production moves to the Middle Kingdom, somewhere near the Oppo factories.
This guy direct compared them, and preferred the CP-700:
I currently have the CP 700 and did compare it to the new (er) CP 800 when it came out. I agree with Zepher - the CP 700 is amuch better sounding my opinion.
I was in a similar situation until today, I needed something more than the PR-SC5509 to do justice to the MoFi and other stereo SACDs that my A1UDCI processes on a fully balanced stereo pathway. I needed a solid state fully balanced preamp with biamped XLRs out. I already have Cardas Y splitters, and I will put a 12v trigger to avoid accidental overcurrent into my precious Sherbourn 5/1500A.

Here is where the letdown stands with the CP-800, this from a guy who take his first step into analog:

1. If I want analog with minimal conversions do I want a unit that carries a gazillion DACs? Nein, i'd just trade the PR-SC5509 for an SSP-800 or A1HDCI, losing the great HQV Vida processing for my Escient 1200 DVD collection.

2. Do I want an onboard PSU to create more interference?

3. Do I need a component $3000 less MSRP because it is made in a "Special Economic Zone" by unmotivated workers w/o benefits who just get kicked back into their native villages at age 40 in the Middle Kingdom?

Today I voted with my wallet and got the CP-700 here on Audiogon, after I read a lot, and auditioned a banged up CP-800 locally that still sounded great with monoblocks and Focals.

I can't wait to see what will happen with my Signature 8s v.2 biamped:)
Correction, i will not use XLR Y splitters, but rather single XLRs out of the processor with a line level bypass on the CP-700 and biamped XLRs out of it, much safer option!