Classe Seventy amp found in alley

Sitting in my downtown alley was this Classe Seventy amp. Other than a little bit dirty and having some sort of felt glued all over the top, its condition is good. And after hooking my Dynaco preamp up to it with some average speakers, it works fine. I'm still trying to figure out if I stumbled onto an abandoned, stolen item or maybe it was found in a move-out pile and the scrounger couldn't sell or trade it so he dumped it where I found it. It's kind of heavy. So did I find something desirable?
I love these stories. A friend of mine bought a perfectly working ARC-SP3a preamp at an estate sale for thirty-five bucks. Back in the early 80s, I bought a Dynaco ST-70 and a Pas-3 preamp, both in perfect working order, for four bucks each.
"04-17-15: Czarivey
hide it so nobody can see it and just listen."

He's right. Some bum is going to want his ass warmer back.
A little bit of follow-up. My conscience got the better of me so I sent an email to an officer that I have met a few times. Not that we're friends. I explained the situation and asked him how a situation like this is handled. He replied that I should call 911 and report what I found, otherwise I risk being arrested! Not wanting the amp simply taken away, I replied that to 99.9% of the world, this would look like some common discarded piece of electronics. Since I'm smart enough to know that it's not common, I intend to keep it unless it has actually been reported stolen. Then I would gladly turn it over. His next reply asked me if I had found it on XXX street. I replied that it was the alley parallel to that street. I haven't heard back from him. We'll see. I've done nothing wrong. I just know that if it was mine, I'd want it back. And if someone threw it out, I'll take it.