I had the CDLAD and tried the Classe CP 47.5.
If you compare these two you'll notice the CP 47.5 will show you how much potential the SA-102 really has.
You will also gain a better calm and control to the overall performance. Further the CP 47.5 has a good compatability with the SA-102 (impedance match well!)
The CDLAD's bass seems further away, it also has less body in the upperbass/ midrange. The soundstage and dynamical impact will also be bettered with the CP 47.5.
With CDLAD, vocals and guitars will seem much closer and drums and basslines will sound lesser/ thinner without there appropiate weight and richness.
I had 3 friends in and and performed a blind test, no-one prefered the CDLAD before the CP 47.5.
I can also tell you that there is an uppgrade kit avaible for the CP 47.5. With this uppgrade done you will notice a better blackness/ a better background silence, and some improvement of (especially inner) resolution
and microdynamics.
I had the CDLAD mark 1 and it had such an excessive gain through the XLR connection, the noise levels severely disturbed the pleasure of listening. I had mine sent back to Plinius for this.