Classic Tuner

I no longer no how long I have owned the Kenwood T 917 tuner. It is in excellent condition. I have just returned to my home and in reorganizing things, I wonder if this tuner, which I was told was a great buy at the time and approaching state of the art in FM listening. I wonder if that information is true. I wonder if I should just dump it or it has value and I can sell it. Any opinions or knowledge out there? Thanks.
I thought that was the top of the line Kenwood FM tuner.
If all is working properly it should be a really sweet!
Good luck if you decide to sell. People are streaming now. Tuners are dinosaurs.
I tried selling mine and got no bites. I shouldn't have waited so long. I let it sit on
my shelve long after I used it. I'll probably give it another go.
It is over for these vintage tuners. I have a Kenwood too, and believe me in my reception area the Sony HD tuner blows it away. Sadly Sony is not selling any more but there is huge market on eBay.

While the demand for FM tuners is not what it was years ago, there is still somewhat of a market for them, especially ones that perform extremely well. In the last 3 months, 4 Kenwood KT-917 tuners sold on ebay, with all of them selling for more than $500.