Clear Day cables vs. Morrow Audio Cables


Has anyone compared the Clear Day double shotgun speaker cables to the Morrow Audio SP5 or SP6 speaker cables? I'm trying to get a sonic reference point between these two brands. Thanks
Our cables need a long time to break in. It seems from the description of sound about our cables reflects that the cables were not allowed to break in long enough. Customers who allow the proper break in time seldom find anything better. Read the interesting testimonial below...

Mike, About 4 weeks ago, I called you on a Saturday morning to inquire about some of your interconnects as I have a friend (Greg from Boston) that really likes your cables. Greg and I have been sharing various experiences with cables for over a year now. We both fell in different directions, ending up with different brands that neither of us have heard in our systems. For Greg, it was your cables, for me, it was something else.

Greg made some descriptions of the changes in sound that really intrigued me. Greg was describing everything that I wanted, so I had to ultimately try your cables. With your guidance and my budget, I order 2 pairs of MA2 interconnects to go between my DAC and preamp, and my preamp and amps.

I have to be honest and tell you that my first listen was interesting, but not good. Then the break-in process started. Now things were really not good. I complained to Greg, and told me to throw them on my DVR box and break them in for at least 200 hours. So I did that giving them a listen every now and again. They sounded different every time, but certainly never "good".

I decided to put them in my setup once again this past Saturday. They had just over 300 hours on them and they sounded a lot better. However, after listening to them for the better part of Saturday and Sunday, I was thinking about throwing in the towel and sending them back. Greg encouraged me to give them up to another 100 hours before even thinking about returning them, so I did. This is where things got interesting.

When I wrapped up my Monday work day, I sat down to listen for a while. I had left my source and preamp on 24 hours per day to further break-in the cables. I am now a believer that cables can and do break-in, but I was a long way from what I wanted from them. But when the music started to play, it was like I was listening to a completely different system. I did not expect a big change, nor can I explain just how the heck this happened, but I'm going to say the sound is nearly perfect! For the first time in many months, I found myself listening to the music and not thinking about what's wrong with the sound. I played as many tracks as I had time for, and every track was like a journey into what could sound amazing in this next track. This has now gone on for 3 days. I honestly can't tell you what I'd want different or better. I'm shocked!

So I suffered through many hours of your interconnects sounding bad, then getting better leaving me thinking this was it and I didn't like them, then finally going to: "I can't believe how perfect this sounds." The last transformation was not just the treble, midrange, bass, sound stage, separation, etc, it was literally everything got dramatically better. Everything just fell into place. Now I hope every day that the sound doesn't change. For the last 3 days, it has not.

I've come to realize over the years that the real magic of a great setup comes from the synergy of all the components. I've been told by many people from the audio forums that my setup is the best they've ever heard in anyone's home. Well I can tell you that they haven't heard anything yet. Your interconnects have really taken my sound to a new level. The synergy I'm enjoying right now is the best I've ever had.

I could explain everything in more detail regarding the sound, but I don't think that's important to my message to you. I just wanted to let you know that you certainly seem to know something special about making cables. I can't wait until I can scrounge up enough money to upgrade to the MA4's or MA6's as Greg has explained the differences as something I'd like to have. I can't wait. You have won me over as a customer, and I intend to try your speaker cables once my interconnects are all upgraded.

So to make a long story short, I really just wanted to say "thanks" and let you know how impressed I am with your product. I'm really glad I called you that Saturday. Terry H.
I bought a pair of Morrow interconnects (MA3) several months ago, and can concur with the idea that they need a break in process. I went with them after some research and got a nice uptick in sound quality over my old cables.

I can't say I compared them with Clear day cables, but Morrow does have a superior return policy on custom sizes.
I have Morrows and yes they are a fine cable but why place the onus on the consumer for burn in especially if Morrow is suggesting several hundred hours?
My suggestion, Mr Morrow, is YOU burn them in before shipping to customers
We strive to save our customers money and so offer the break in service as an option, rather than add that to the price and break in every order. Also, many of our customers desire to hear the process for themselves. All cables need break in, which the majority of cable companies do not offer as a service. Break in can be an adventure, but once there, the majority of cables cannot compare.

A testimonial...
"I am a long time music listener and audio aficionado. Cables can be many things to many listeners. They can be audio bling, remedies for system deficiencies and mismatches and they can be tools in the pursuit of excellence in the reproduction of music. These are of course not mutually exclusive reasons but when viewed as a synergistic process can lead to sublime preproduction.

In replacing Nordost cables in my system, I was of course very careful to challenge my understanding in that what I might be listening to could possibly be a different interpretation of the musical experience but not necessarily a more accurate representation. Not being in the hall or venue during a recorded performance leaves me with no real reference but on the other hand listening to live music as oft as I do I believe that I have developed an ear for the privileges and joys of listening to real music in real spaces with all of the wonders of impact, grace, and emotional content.

There are many real opportunities to connect with good music. I’m sure that I have reacted equally to radio broadcasts in my car or on my table radio and to exceptional sound reproduction system portrayals. This to me is the nature of music itself. It is not just how well it is reproduced; in fact the reproduction quality can make the experience worse because it may be devoid of the impact that is the nature of the musical experience.

The MA5 balanced cables are special in this regard. They let the musical impact through. Yes, it is a reproduction and is merely a representation (not to mention the myriad of technical developments that go into capturing music) but the connection to the musical experience is paramount.

Sound stage, frequency response, micro and macro dynamics, lack of glare, smoothness, rhythm, pace and bite are technical terms that describe the elements of sound reproduction but not necessarily the experience. No question that these elements are excellent qualities to have in reproduced music but they in and of themselves do not totally convey the real musical experience. Most high quality cables claim the aforementioned attributes as the reasons that they sound better than their competitors and science or accuracy is certainly a valid point but there is an esoteric quality that in my experience is not the sum of technical prowess.

So suffice it to say that as a lover of music and its reproduction, the MA5 cables have exceeded my expectations. They most certainly excel at the technical terms but their immediacy, freshness and emotional impact rise to levels that I have not achieved in my system. They form a synergistic connection with the reproduction process and provide a clearly impactful partnership in this process. Neutrality is a term that comes to mind but this too may be technically described.

A friend who loves music and has listened to the transformations in my system said that the new cables (MA5s) are obviously better and I agree but I would also add that they, the Morrow Audio cables, lay claim to something much greater; they are the conduit for the real reasons that I listen to music, they get to the soul and purpose of reproduced music: the transformation that takes me from a mere observer to a participant in the musical experience.

I look forward to trying the upgrade process. MA7s will hopefully be in my future as I continue my musical journey." Samuel B

Mike Morrow