So in effect you have $34k to spend? $27k for the table and $7k for the arm. In my opinion it really matters if this is it or if you think you will have room for more upgrades in the future
if this is really the end then as @lostbears suggests you would be best off to set some money aside for the phono stage and a better cartridge as the ones you now use will be a limiting factor. You can consider the used market for the phono stage, plenty of Ref 2SE available and I’d consider adding a step up as the high gain in the ARC phono is its weak point, I just added a Music First step up ($3k) to mine and it is a game changer
However if you want room to upgrade further the AF3 is the ideal choice as you can add a second or third arm, and the compact size allows all sorts of clever bases to be used (like the Herzan). But this is basically setting you en route to a $75k LP system
one other angle to consider is how you apportion the mix in your LP system. I personally would not spend over 50% of my budget on the table, instead think more like a third for the table, a third for the arm/cart/interconnect, and the last third for the phono stage.
Hope this helps