Clearaudio Master Reference vs. Basis Debut V ??

Need purchase advice on which of these two to go with. Am intrigued, yet concerned with the tangential arms on the Clearaudio- the TQ-1 2000 arm is $3k ; the Master TQ-1 arm is newer, bigger and stupid expensive @ $6k. Is this new arm magic or nonsense ? Would use Graham 2.2 on Basis, which would, btw, be the vacuum model. The Graham arm seems to be almost universally praised, while getting a consensus opinion on the Souther tangential arms is far more difficult. Any 1st hand advice would be greatly appreciated.
Fbhifi- I recently went through the same dilemma. Ultimately, I decided on the Basis with the Graham. Turntables require more effort on the user's part, even with the most reliable and user-friendly tt systems. Regardless of their performance when everything is just perfect, the TQ arms can be quite frustrating in less than ideal situations. I wanted an arm that would work day-in, day-out with very little additional TLC. In the end, the vacuum holddown and the Graham arm/cartridge combo were the primary reasons for my decision. However, there is certainly no denying that the CMR is one beautiful tt. Either way, how could you lose? Good luck.
Jcbtubes-- thanks for the post, under what condition(s) do you think the TQ arms would be problematical ? I have a basement room w/ no windows or ventilation system- i.e. very little dust. I'm also really trying to figure out if the new MASTER TQ-1 arm has solved any of the common TQ arm problems, or is just an overpriced object d'art.