Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?
Zaikesman, you are right, my mistake. I was hoping Mr. Kait would see it fit to submit the very article explaining the IC rather than CLC. Yet the whole family of devices seem to be aledged to operate on broadly similar fantastic premises.
Yes Guido,
Wellfed and Mr. Kait are one and the same. It's the magic of the CLC,i.e Clever Little Clone. Once you have been subjected to x-amount of hours with the clock, the listener actually becomes a clone of the designer.
Guido - I agree. Mr.Belt theories must be peer-reviewed, or else they are like Polywater and Cold Fusion.
Actually Guidocorona, the alleged 'explanation' offered by Mr. Kait for how the Chip is supposed to work is essentially mechanistic with 'quantum' invocations, and not apparently related to the Beltian 'theories' (such as they are) purportedly behind the Clock -- except for of course the literally incredible nature of both. Which I'm sure matters not a whit, since each device is no doubt exactly what it appears to be and nothing more.