TYR is incredible. I'd put that Schiit against stuff that costs 10 times or 20 times more. In fact....I already have.
TYR should be endgame for most, if you don't care about looks, that is. All hail the genius Schiit lords Jason Sto and Mike Mo.
Coda #8, Pass XA25, or Schiit Tyr to replace PS Audio M700
I recently upgraded my power amp from a Nakamichi PA7Aii to PS Audio M700 monoblocks. I honestly expected to flip the M700 pair quickly because I did not think they would be better than the PA7Aii. The M700s actually provide a wider and more detailed soundstage. I sold the Nak.
I listen (often passively) for several hours each day. I began to identify a 'shrill' on the high end. Since I had upgraded my DAC (DirectStream Mk1) I initially thought that could be it. I rotated three DACs through the system (DS, N130, and Eversolo DMP-A6). All of them had the shrill. I then put in an old NAD 7600 and the shrill went away along with a lot of the detail. Put the M700 back in and used the EQ from the DMP-A6 streamer to limit extreme high end. Ended up with a -1 Q starting at 19,500 Hz that solved the shrill, but also muddied the high end detail. I don't trust the EQ a lot and figure more is being impacted than the targeted range.
This led me to consider upgrading the M700 pair. I have a pair of Acoustat 1+1 speakers with low sensitivity efficiency (81 to 86 depending on who the source is) with a pair of Rythmik F12SE subs and an active crossover at 100 Hz controlled by the SPL Crossover. My budget is around $6K.
Looked at the Pass XA25. Not certain there is enough power there although a Pass representative encouraged my to try it. I was hoping to get two used and use them as mono blocks.
The Schiit Tyr has been on my short list for awhile (prior to buying the M700). The Schiit AI tool actually stated the Tyr was not a good match and suggested other Schiit amps. This seemed strange to me. I sent an email to Schiit seeking clarification, but have not heard back. I may go to there store in LA this week to talk to someone live.
The Coda #8 came up as an option as I was exploring. I looked at other Coda used products, but #8 seems to match up best. (Well, the #16 matched up best, but was more than double my budget). I will go take a look at it later this week. Not a mono block but could work.
I am essentially seeking the last 1-2% of the detail the Acoustats can provide. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
One final note. I am not interested in tube power amps. I don't like the fussiness of tubes and the Acoustats seem to pick up the hum from tubes. I know it shouldn't happen with their sensitivity, but I notice it. It could be my prejudice, but please no tube suggestions.
@eugene78 thanks. The room is large with 20' foot ceiling, 16' wide, and 30' long with another 15' behind the speakers with a half wall dividing the space. The XA25 be too little of a good thing. I would probably need the XA60.8 to do what I want. Might be able to get them for $8k if I am lucky, but not certain I need them either. Heard the Coda #8 today. Looked nice. I really wanted to like it. The stage definition and instrument separation were great. The sound seemed techno even on essentially acoustic pieces. It might have been the Legacy Focus SE speakers. Most everything seemed off. The notes seemed to end abruptly without the natural decay I was expecting and anticipating. Everything was accurate (extremely accurate) but the soul of the music was missing. Maybe the Coda #8 would sound better with my speakers, but I would have to buy it, bring it home, and return it if I didn't like it. I will do that for something that impressed me, but not for something that MIGHT. |
@deep_333 I take it you like Schiit! They sounded great, but the Schiit team has some concern regarding how the Tyr would match with system. They actually believe the Vidar, used as mono blocks, would be a better option. I was concerned the Vidar did not have enough umph. I brought the Tyr mono blocks home to see how they sound in my system. If for some reason they struggle with the high end Ohm (0.5ohm) challenges then I will return them and give the Vidar a look. I am now fairly certain the M700s are struggling with the 0.5ohm above 17000Hz. The Nakamichi and the NAD did not struggle with it. I do believe the 40 watt Luxman struggled with the same issue, but it was in a small room played at low to mid levels. I didn't know what I didn't know. So I get to play with the Tyrs for the next week or two. I hope I love them. |