Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000

I currently own a Conrad Johnson CT5 but would like to upgrade and move to a preamp with XLR in/out. I have tested the Allnic L-3000 which I find very intersting, and I am also interested in the Coincident Statement linestage. Has anybody compared the Coincident to the CT5 or the Allnic?
Jwm - I have always been interested in the VAC IIa Sig linestage. I'm surprised the Absolare was so convincingly better. The Absolare is certainly at the pinnacle of linestages, but I assumed the VAC IIa Sig would be relatively close, if not just of a different taste?

Do you still maintain the WE845 tubes to be well worth the extra $$

Don't get me wrong the VAC is great its just not as transparent or quiet as the Absolare. I think the WE845 tubes are great. I like them much better than the original RCA 845 tubes.
Jordan, I've never used a preamp in my main rig that had a remote. You don't miss what you never had. Plus, my vacations consist of daily 12-20 mile hikes, so I don't think much about the 15 ft from my chair to the CSL. For me the adjustment, which I made long ago, was going from infinitely variable pots to stepped attenuation. That took a while to get used to.
Brownsfan - those are quite long for daily hikes, but hardly compares to standing up from a chair and bending over several times an evening? ;-)

I'm a cyclist and one of my "vacations" each year is to ride the length of the state of Indiana from north to south in 3 consecutive days for a charity event I set up 11 years ago. I'm the only one of the original 4 of us to still be doing the ride (and I was the "old man" of the group in 2003 when we started. The other 3 were in there mid 20's). I was just making fun of myself for being willing to spend so much money for the basic goal of: remote control without a drop in sonic performance.

Stay fit!!
North to south in 3 days is pretty impressive! Back when I was riding I topped out at 36 miles a day. I'm planning on retiring to Tennessee, so that I can hike in the Smokies day after day. That day can't come soon enough. May even get back on the bike, but its a different proposition once one moves out of the flatlands.

Next time I see 4 guys on bikes headed south on I-65 I'll honk and wave!