Coincident Super Eclipses with ARC VT100

Has anyone used an Audio Research VT100 MkII with the Super Eclipses? Or for that matter any 100 watt push-pull tube amp that would be similar. Since I have no dealer close by I would be interested if it is worth the effort to hear them. As far as my listening preferences go, large scale classical, mostly Russian composers. Any information would be helpful.

I have heard the super eclipses(SE) and the vt100, but never together.
The SE's are wondrful speakers that are usually used with low power tube amps because of their high efficiency and impedence. They produce wonderful sound with the Atmasphere S30, VAC 30/30, Cary 805 as well as the usual SET suspects.

The vt100 is an excellent amp and I think the mk2 is the best value of the series. It should work well with the SE and will have tremendous dynamic headroom(nice for those classical music cresendos) and be able to play at almost unlimited volume.

You should inquire if the SE's have the latest tweeter from scan tech. If not, you should inquire whether it can be upgraded at Coincident.
Thank you for the response Franks, I will plan on making a road trip to a SE dealer.

What speakers have you heard with the ARC VT100? Do you have any other suggestions for speakers that might go well with that amp. My room is approximately 13 ft by 15 ft.
Thank you for the response Franks, I will plan on making a road trip to a SE dealer.

What speakers have you heard with the ARC VT100? Do you have any other suggestions for speakers that might go well with that amp. My room is approximately 13 ft by 15 ft.