Comments on new B&W 800 D3

From those who have heard them.
Maybe you shouldn't have listened to them in a broom closet, bo.   And let me emphasize that I have nothing against broom closets - they're an excellent place to keep brooms and other cleaning supplies. 

My personal opinion is that speakers should create a 5D presentation - the stage should have length, width, height, it should be able to warp time so you can go back and relive good times, and it should be able to bend space such that you create a worm hole in  your living room through which you can pass back and forth to other membranes of interplanetary existence just in case other universes have better pizza or ice cream or something.   If a speaker can't transport me to far away places - literally - I won't own it.
All the other demos with the new 800D3 series where all 2D. When this is 3D for you you are lost.

Soon we will hear the 800D3 with Classe. I can garnatee you that the stage will be one metre agian. I will inform you after we audtioned it.

We like things to be clear and open......
The room of the 800D3 used acoustic pannels worth a lot of money. Always people blame the room. We often hear the same bullshit!