Component Video cable recommendation

hi all,

have purchased a hitachi 42" plasma tv and now wanting to go to component video.

was considering these brands :

Monster M Silver Video™ M1000cv
Zucable Megular
VooDoo Silverstream
VooDoo Reference
Bettercables Silver Serpent Reference
Nordost Silver Screen

have been told that nordost makes the best video cables. would appreciate to hear your recommendation on the above or even there is another brand to consider.

thks to all in advance.
Just buy a well-constructed cable from a reputable manufacturer. Expect to spend $50-100, any more is a waste of money, IMHO...

Harmonic Tecnology Silver are phenomenal video cables and the cables themselves look great and are physically impressive. Their image is superb and they are sturdy.
I notice you seem to share my preference for silver conductor. I recently bought a set of AudioQuest YIQ-5 component cables with silver conductors. (I got great service from The Cable Company in New Hope, Pennsylvania.) My picture looks fine and I'm happy with the cabling, but I have not tried any great variety of component cables so I can make no real comparisons.
There are differences in cables.--- Cheap ones choke the color/ saturation and black level. While I use Silver Serpent and WireWorld 3's; I've just been timid to go above their price level. So, I guess I'm saying: don't expect much from the cheapies that come free. How much more you spend is your call. I've never read any shoot-out blurbs from those going from mid level to very high priced cables. I would say "At least mid level" as a minimum.