Compression Horns for Far field listening

I have a interest in makinga  2 way, with a  FR 8 inch and sittinga  TI Horn compression midtweeter on top, SEller mentioned something about the TI horn is better for far field listening.
My room is 10x12, 
Is the compression Horn a good choice in that size room or should i stay with dome style tweeter.
The seller does not speak good english, what i think he is trying to get across is that his TI horn may not be ideal match for a  small room acoustics.
Anyone have experience with TI Horns can chime in please.
The TI Horn will sit on top of a  8 inch Full Range. 
Is this considered a  2 way?? 
Fostex FE208EZ is built to work with a tweeter. It doesn’t have extended HF and low-mid range dip. But I’m not sure if it can work with simple ported box.
Most of FR drivers have extended HF and as result they have recessed low-mid range. To get a balanced mid-range FR driver needs a front horn that amplifies low-mid range

Been watching a few, well there is only a few vids of FR in action on YT, One one Lowther vid,  one YTer comments , saying he has built many FR speakers, then goes to list them all, , states FR   top end will require  a  tweeter,,Which is my exp  with this 6.5 DavidLouis,  
having mentioned to Richard Gray the fac most of my classical listenings do not require the need for highest fq range (such as jazz, blues have drum snares, cymbols, = high end demanded) he did say the need for a tweeter is for <<ambience>> in the classical. 
Now that was the key word/concept that helped me understand the need for the Tweet/TIHorn. 
Which i have no issues with addinga  tweeter. 
I've been listening to my 6.5  and have come to the conclusion, FR with or w/o tweet is the listening experience i've been searching for past 20 years. 
I was stuck on  following the traditional/conventional xover /lower than say 91db model. 
THis style of voicing music will not in any shape/form meet my criterion as <,High Fidelity>> at least not with a  tube amp. 
Each  style of speaker has its own characteristics, = ambience. 
Tradition xover speakers I have tagged as << the wet blanet>> group. all of them next to FR will sound like a  wet blanket is thrown over the speaker.
For me there is no contest, FR will beat out any lower than 91 db/xover speaker in the world. 
FR + TI Horns are the future of the speaker industry. 
In 10 years labs such as ScanSpweak/Seas will shut down all production on any under 91/xover variety drivers, = 99% of their inventory. 
The future is FR/Compression drivers. 
I can see it, feel it, hear it. 
Its just a  matter on time.
Hopefully my series of YT vids will give audiophiles a chance to hear what a  FR/Compression Tweeter  is all about. 
My mantra is <<sensitivity is everything in speakers>> if the Sens is not over 92, just forget it.
Another way of saying is <,if its not FR/Compression, just forget it>> 
Those boxed types we all grew up with since the 1960's, til today((??!!??!!)  have been replaced by FR/Compression drivers.
Once you hear a  FR/Compression , you'll never go back to traditional speakers. 
How those xover concepts lived on so so long, is a mystery to me.
You;'ve been duped, scamed. 
Seas sells a  FR, $800, each. I would never pay that kind of money, when i can get a  pair under $500.
Here is the video - Tune Audio Marvel with Fostex FE208EZ and Horn Mid-tweeter

WOW factor high, Probably, in fact this is the best sound ive ever heard comming from a speaker.
Yet LP, nota  cd, 
Richard Gray just sold me me a Philips 777 turn table, and just boughta  huge stack of records off ebay, amazon <MINT> of a few classical recordings. 
LP's are superior to cd.
Yet this FR/Horn  blows any trad/conventional speaker away.
That set up was true (not fake>> High Fidelity (old Philips Labs term) 
I somehow missed that YT vid, thanks for posting, lets me know thats what i expect when i set up my FR8 + compression horn. 
WIW can 't wait, 1st have to recover from my upgrades on the Seas Thors @ $2200, now heaed to RG;'s <,chop shop>> parts will be dumped on ebay for a  nice loss, The tweets are brand new @ $700. 
anyone interested please let me know. W18's perform same as new. xovers all Mundorf top of line SESGO/EVO SG. 
The cabinets i plan to house  the FR8 with the horn sitting atop. 
At least I can salvage the cabinets, = lessens the pain of the <,upgarde>> loss. 

Once you hear a FR/Compression , you'll never go back to traditional speakers.
How those xover concepts lived on so so long, is a mystery to me.
Lowther has been making full range drivers of high efficiency since the late 1940s.

I understand the allure; but no full range driver ever made is really full range. The best I've seen doing the highs is the 6" PHY driver but you're doing really well to get anywhere near 40Hz with any 'full range' driver. You need subs to sort things out on the bottom. The problem is you have that bass energy that the driver is dealing with even though its not being reproduced. It can cause excursion on the cone which can result in Doppler Effect distortion at higher frequencies.

There's no free lunch.

BTW you might want to look into the Tangband 1772; in a ported cabinet they can go down to about 50hz and the efficiency is apparently higher than the driver you're working with.