compressor for airbearing table

Any suggestions on air compressor for Maplenoll ariadne table? I am new to this type of system and looking for advice from others who have ventured into air bearing equipment. I noticed Pluto uses Jun-Air compressors but have not found a US supplier. Other models or brands that are "quiet"?
Try Won Brothers:

The model to look at is the Dophin Five Star.

Good luck.
I have not seen any of the aquarium pumps that deliver pressure above 10 psig. The lower pressure will work for the arm but the maplenoll has a 50# platter resting on the top part of the air bearing. I find when my supply pressure falls below 20 psig, the system starts struggling. I do love the quietness however with the design of the aquarium pumps and am looking for a similar "quiet" pump that can deliver approx 30-40 psig. Anyone ever use airbrush compressor?