Hi, I'm using Audio Engine2, a powered pair of mini-monitors with exceptional sound. No subwoofer, but they fall into your price range. Check out the review on them from a couple of months ago in Stereophile.
Computer Speakers Under $200?
IMHO, getting the mid-range as accurate as possible is the foremost trait to look for in any low cost speaker. As such, I second AudioEngine A2's. Based on Sterophile's review, plus a friend's experiences with them, the A2's would be my choice. Sterophile's review among others can be found here: http://audioengineusa.com/news.htm |
Hi all, I first used Roland monitors and then went to M-Audio monitors for my speakers. While I'm not a basshead, the dearth of significant bass started to really bother me over time. Overall though, if I were to have bought a 2.0 system, the A2's would have been the ones. I've heard some positive reviews of the Swans M10's, but I don't think they're better than the setup I already mentioned. |