Conrad Johnson ACT2 against Audio Research Ref 3

I am in the market for a nice line stage preamp. My list has been narrowed down to 2 preamps based on reviews and many listening sessions availabe to me. I do have a local Audio research dealer and have heard and loved the Ref 3 but not Conrad/Johnson. Any thoughts regarding the ACT 2 is greatly appreciated. Thanks.....
Ag insider logo xs@2xginas
Oneobgyn. Have your heard the ACT 2 or just stating ARC is best based on your upgrade from ref 2 to ref 3.
I have heard the ACT2 and find it to be exceptionally wonderful BUT for my ears and my system I just have not heard a better tube preamp than the Ref 3.
Oneobgyn is absolutely correct- the REF 3 is an outstanding preamp, certainly among a handful at the absolute pinnacle of the current state of the art, and so is the ACT2.At this level of system performance and price individual amp to preamp synergies and system balance take precedence over declaring something an absolute best over another. You should definitely make the effort to borrow one and hear it in your own system before making the call, IMO. I'd also add the excellent Shindo preamps to your list as well. Any one of them are more than worthy.
Thanks kindly for your feedbacks in this hunt for a perfect preamp. Here are my components:

Preamp: ACT2 or Ref3
Amp: McCormack DNA 500 ( to be upgraded soon to tubes- premier 140? or ARC??) I need help here as well but only have enough money for preamp at this time.
Speakers: Andra II
Cables: Acoustic Zen Top of the line.
Analog: VPI HRX
Digital: Sony SCD1
Analog preamp: Still looking ( currenly using the Audible illusions M 3A with John C gold board)
Ginas, i have heard both the ACT II and Ref 3 at shows; i like them both. what is interesting is that both pre's actually are more strictly neutral than their pedigree's might suggest. i like the sense of control of the ARC Ref 3 and the delicacy of the ACT II.

i try not to hijack threads; but your above comment "this hunt for the perfect preamp" prompts me to add another candidate to your list. particlarly since you are into vinyl. i have a pre-production version of the new battery powered darTZeel preamp in my room. i will just say that if you are truely after "the perfect preamp" and maybe even "the perfect phono stage" then do what you can to listen to the dart. it has blown away all my previous references. you also are in the market for an amp; the darTZeel amps are a 'silly good' match with the pre.

last weekend i had a couple of guys over; one with SET's and Horns, the other has all Lamm gear (including ML2.1's) and just sold his Avantgarde Trio's. both could not believe there were no tubes in the signal path of my system. the ML2.1 owner commented that until, after listening for 2 hours, i mentioned that there were no tubes, he had not been aware of that. that was a first time of that ever happening to him while listening to solid state.

your Andra II's (designed by Von Schweikert like my VR9's) would sing with the dart gear.